Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Should Humor be put over Holiness

Man has a endless ability to justify his actions.

  A lesson that I have been convicted of over Christmas break is that as Christians we are called to a higher way of living. I had my eyes opened to my folly, in that I should protect myself from what I take into my soul, and where I take Jesus. Where we go in our lives we take Jesus there with us. Think about it, Jesus Lord over all indwells himself "the Holy Spirit" with in us. (Let it sink in)

So just a few weeks ago I was invited to watch a movie with a group of Christian friends, It was great night to just connect with friends that I will not see for most of the year. So I ask what movie we were going to watch, and the answer was Anchorman. My response was couldn't we watch a cleaner movie, and the rebuttal I was given was, " but it is supposed to be funny". So the movie starts playing and it is not long before sexual jokes start to be rattled off. The movie goes on and on, and more degrading of women happens. The movie did have some genuinely hilarious funny scenes in it, but that should not outweigh the horrible content that is in the movie. I felt a discernment in my soul that I should not be watching this movie, it was the same discernment that I get when I'm with a group of people at school and raunchy conversations start picking up, and in these situations I separate myself from the group. I do that because I have nothing to add to the conversation at that point," if the people are talking about another person I will strongly try to make the people stop talking about that person (it is mostly girls that are talked about) Here is what I am getting at if I would not be apart of a conversation that is like the ones movie have or even the "visual content" that is in movies, then why would I sit through that movie. The reason is easy is because I was with other believers and non of them were saying anything so I tried to brush it off. One point in the movie (Anchorman) there was something that was shown that just floored me, and I said we should turn this movie off, but the response I got was well the scene is over so no big deal. At that moment a thought came into my mind, "Should Humor be put over Holiness" and the answer I knew was right was NO!.. Just because something is funny does not mean we should go see it, or need to see it. The crude "jokes" the sexual agenda in movies, are not something we should settle for, It is evil and it is sin. I absolutly hate when men degrade women, if there is one way to want to make me "pound you" it is treating human beings like dirt.  On the record I have never pounded any one, but I have gotten the faces of people about it, It is okey to be angry and hate sin, just do not sin in your anger. That is the tricky part.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God- Matthew 5:8 ESV

I want to see God, I do not want anything to get in the way of that, I want to keep myself pure. The excuse well its supposed to be funny should not even compare to our holiness. What a person feeds their body impacts what they look like, their health, and how well they can do activities. The same goes for what we feed our soul, It will flow into our actions, in our thoughts. "We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,- 2 Corinthians 10:5 ESV. I don't want anything to get my thoughts away from Christ and cause me to stumble. I often have to remind myself I am not as strong as I think I am. My closeness and fellowship with God should actually want me to be repealed or appalled at "worldliness"

Where we go Jesus goes with us

What we put in our minds we subject Jesus to that. So when I watched a movie like Anchorman, I subject Jesus to what My eyes see. I need to be Holy as God is holy. There is no excuse why I would sit through a movie like Anchorman, I was weak and did not act as my convictions were telling me to. People in the Bible died never receiving the promise of the Holy Spirit dwelling with in them, yet we have Him and we live such worldly lives. It is even worse when I catch myself snickering at the crude or sexual jokes, the Spirit instantly gut checks me and it shows the motives of my heart in that moment. Many times I do not see the blessing of the Holy Spirit and I am not thankful as I ought to be for Him in my life.

If I must forgo certain tv, movies.. ect in order to not cause my self to fall and cause other to fall as well. Where we go and what we do is essentially putting our approval on it, I said essentially, this is not true all the time.

Matthew 18:6 but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea....

I do not want to be a slave to legalism, I want to find the truth of the life that Jesus gives us. I remember many times when I tell myself that I am strong enough to not be affected by the conversations and movies that I subject myself to, yet I see theses things rub off on me, it translates into my relationships with people and it leads me to compromise and brush off my faults.

Just because it is culturally acceptable to do something does not mean it is ok. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 10:23 “All things are lawful,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful,” but not all things build up.

Steve Downes- All things not of Christ, When we are in heaven will be nothing but a fleeting memory. 

I ask this question generally and with a concerned heart.

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