Tuesday, September 30, 2014

How Revival Comes

Remember The Circle

      Through redemptive history in God's Word, many things are clear, but this fact with understanding of Revival is that Revival never happens when majority God's children are repenting from sin, and many mistakes are made by his people along the way. Another concept is that Revival always happens when Boldness arises in individuals that God rises up.

Defining Revival- A simple way to understand revival is repentance with hunger for God while leaving idols behind.

      Revival can never happen if we do not first put all other weights aside and yearn for God. Yes God can start revival with men who are not willing, just read Jonah. True revival is with the individual, there was no revival within Jonah (Jonah has a stubborn heart and no love for Nineveh). We can preach God's Good news, and yet still be lost in sin. I have traveled the path of holding on to pride, lust, a forked tongue, luke warmness, and it is not a pleasant path to travel. The fact stands that people actually do not want revival, revival it starts not with you, but with God. No one seeks God not even one - "Romans 3:10", No one can come me (Jesus), unless the Father first draws him- "John 6:44". Repeated in Scripture over and over,  God draws mankind. I need to pray that the Father draws more, for no one who is not in Christ will ever, ever seek God. John 6:63 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. I can continue with a myriad amounts of Scripture to show that men never seek God, but it is God's mercy that revives the soul. I will not go into further detail simply because Depravity of Man / Predestination is not the purpose of my article.

If you Believe.. If I Believe

      If Christ is the treasure of all life, the pearl of great price.  If Christ is serious about heaven, hell and the lostness of humanity. Then what is the proper response? Romans 12:1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship... Present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, As Christians we should be some of the most hard working and worn people there are in the world. Blessed are the feet of those who bring the good news (Isaiah 52:7). Jesus lived a life that was purely pointed at the will of the father, with no selfish ambition. In like manner, maybe we must forego desires in life in order kill selfish ambition. I am speaking to all college students now (mainly because I am one) If you have not entered time of prayer and study of the Bible, do not just take a turn of the page and call it a night, but labor in prayer and study, Do not let rest entice you to not dwell with God. (Now I understand, I have fallen asleep or fought weariness while reading or praying) but it is better to have fought weariness than to just turn in for the night. I remember when I first became captivated by Jesus. I would read for hours and write, all I wanted was to dwell and be with Him. I remember forgoing sleep, a thought that I entertained, was that God can give me rest I need even If I do not get abundant hours of sleep. I presume to this day that this thought is true. Sacrifice your bodies.

Coming to terms

      Will we tone down from the radical nature of our faith, or will we surcome to the pressure that is closing in around the Church and each Believer. Dear Brothers and Sisters, We had spiritual relatives who were burned on a stake to light up the night sky for Nero "Caesar". This is not a religion that is played on the weekends and with facebook quotes. Dear Brothers and Sisters, we have access to God's word, great Bible teachers, Churches, Sermons from podcasts, books that are chucked full of helpful wisdom. Yet I know of places in this world where our Christ family may have only one page of scripture and they hold on to that scripture, and know it by heart. They are bolder, and more dangerous in this world than nearly all Christians in the States. Sacrifice your bodies, Do we truly want Revival? 1 Corinthians 2:9 THINGS WHICH EYE HAS NOT SEEN AND EAR HAS NOT HEARD, AND which HAVE NOT ENTERED THE HEART OF MAN, ALL THAT GOD HAS PREPARED FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM." The Holy Spirit, God is near. Through all the Old Testament the Prophets knew that one day the Holy Spirit would enter sinful man and in an instance Change the whole world just as the Resurrection for the Dead did. The Prophets of old were not able nor allowed to see the promise fulfilled on this side of the grave, We live in the age that they Hoped for.

Revival- Needs to start in our soul in order to see Revival spread across our sphere of influence- Sacrifice your Bodies. Hebrews 12:2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Selected reading- Hebrews 1&2 Philippians 3:7-21

What does a real disciple of Jesus Christ look like? He’s poor in spirit; he mourns over sin; he’s gentle; he hungers and thirsts for righteousness; he’s merciful; he’s pure in heart (in the sense he has no undivided loyalties); he is a peacemaker; and he is marked by persecution. ~Paul Washer

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