Over Complicated
When in the mists of the unknown, or difficult situations, a common catch phrase is to respond
"It's Complicated"
In relationships, when you are getting to know that guy or gal, and someone asks you, so are you guys dating, and your response is "well, it's Complicated" a weeks go by, you start dating this special someone. A month passes by and like a screeching stop the special someone breaks up with you, but you are not ready to give up on the relationship. A friend asks you so hows the relationship going, and your response is well, it's complicated."
A relationship that starts complicated ends complicated. The response "it's complicated" only really over complicates the ordeal or relationship. Being intentional and seeing the extent of a relationship is key for any relationship. Deeming aspects of life complicated is "when broken down to the core" an excuse to make ourselves feel better, to give our selves self-pity or sympathy. If I receive a bad grade on a test, and my mom asks how come I got that grade and I responded, "It's complicated" I am really not owning up to the fact that I should have studied hard ro asked for help in my class. Because when a real complicated situation come by, responding "it's complicated" will only over complicate an already complicated ordeal.
Now it is Complicated

God is so Complicated, He is such a mystery. God is over complicating my life. Scripture is foreign to me. Following Jesus just is not convenient. Theses are all common reactions to God.
Yes God is mysterious, and yes scripture is deep, and God is vast. but God is not Complicated. God is not an inconvenience to your life, but He is the entirety of Life- Colossians 3:4 When Christ, who is your life, is revealed, then you will also will be revealed with Him in Glory. Especially in universities, there is this attitude that God is complicated, so anyone can get to define who God is and what the scriptures say. From an academic point of view, truth is only an idea to be entertained, and to claim truth is foolish. Really we define the ruler of the universe? Not God. Oh how sly the pseudo scholars try to be, take a look at this quote,
"Christ is absolutely original and absolutely unique...." This statement does not seem to reflect the deep mystery of the oneness of the Trinity. It also does not reflect the fact that Christ is also the Son of Man. All Christians, while praying to God, address Him as Father. Of course Christ is unique. But who is not unique? Socrates, Muhammad, the Buddha, you, and I are all unique. The idea behind the statement, however, is the notion that Christianity provides the only way of salvation and all other religious traditions are of no use. This attitude excludes dialogue and fosters religious intolerance and discrimination. It does not help..- Hanh.
Absolutely Jesus Christ is unique, socrates is a dead philosopher, Muhammad is a dead false prophet, Buddha that is followed most likely did not exist, and the Jesus perceived in the academic world is a weak feeble Jesus. Jesus is the only one who ever walked out of his grave, it is not complicated Mr.Hanh. "When God speaks, He does not stutter, it is our job to understand it and to get this post-modern junk out of the way-Eric Ludy" It is not a question of "if" we will bow our knee to God, but when....... Religious intolerance and discrimination, is supported I fear that day will only happen when Christ returns. But there is still hope.
God is Other.. God is Holy
God far is wiser than the issues that press at universities, God is higher than debates against atheists. No not one leaf changes from green to brown without his command. God is known for changing lives, for creating and changing the World. He sustains it all. Truthful, no matter how great of a debater or much logic you use to defend the faith, only through the interaction of the Holy Spirit can people turn to Christ. I debate not to win souls, but to obey God and because I love people, but my love for people is like an ant when compared to God's love for people who are his. All Christians, we are to be ambassadors for Christ, and with our citizenship in heaven we will be able to stand for the Gospel at all costs. So Stand Firm in the Faith. I only have a brief moment to press forward until eternity is upon me. If I do not speak when I ought to, and do not believe my God is superior to all problems, trials in the world, then why even claim to follow Christ. No I have been saved from death, and now I live no longer for myself but it is Christ who lives in me! REF: (Galatians 2:19-21)
(Isaiah 7:9 If you are not firm in faith, you will not be firm at all.)
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