Monday, December 22, 2014

It's Complicated

Over Complicated

When in the mists of the unknown, or difficult situations, a common catch phrase is to respond
                                                            "It's Complicated"

In relationships, when you are getting to know that guy or gal, and someone asks you, so are you guys dating, and your response is "well, it's Complicated" a weeks go by, you start dating this special someone. A month passes by and like a screeching stop the special someone breaks up with you, but you are not ready to give up on the relationship. A friend asks you so hows the relationship going, and your response is well, it's complicated."

A relationship that starts complicated ends complicated. The response "it's complicated" only really over complicates the ordeal or relationship. Being intentional and seeing the extent of a relationship is key for any relationship. Deeming aspects of life complicated is "when broken down to the core" an excuse to make ourselves feel better, to give our selves self-pity or sympathy. If I receive a bad grade on a test, and my mom asks how come I got that grade and I responded, "It's complicated" I am really not owning up to the fact that I should have studied hard ro asked for help in my class. Because when a real complicated situation come by, responding "it's complicated" will only over complicate an already complicated ordeal.

Now it is Complicated

Prolonging complicated situations with shoving the problem to the edge of the table, only causes further complications. I recall back to my days in high school discrete math," discrete math is anything but discrete by the way". If you know anything about discrete math,  one single problem could take up an entire page. On top of it all, if you messed up along the with your work, you would have to search your work and find the issue and then rewrite the lengthy equation. The math class was already complicated, and I would cop out for my poor performance in the class early on by saying the class is complicated. My excuses over complicated my predicament. I would not study or do my homework, I would tell myself I will pay attention in class and thats enough. By denying the complicated aspects of my class I over complicated the complicated. But once I started studying, attending a study group it no longer seemed complicated, I ended up being a tutor to other students in the class. What once seemed complicated, once I put time into the class, I viewed the class differently.

God is so Complicated, He is such a mystery. God is over complicating my life. Scripture is foreign to me. Following Jesus just is not convenient.  Theses are all common reactions to God.

Yes God is mysterious, and yes scripture is deep, and God is vast. but God is not Complicated. God is not an inconvenience to your life, but He is the entirety of Life-  Colossians 3:4 When Christ, who is your life, is revealed, then you will also will be revealed with Him in Glory.  Especially in universities, there is this attitude that God is complicated, so anyone can get to define who God is and what the scriptures say. From an academic point of view, truth is only an idea to be entertained, and to claim truth is foolish. Really we define the ruler of the universe? Not God. Oh how sly the pseudo scholars try to be, take a look at this quote,

"Christ is absolutely original and absolutely unique...." This statement does not seem to reflect the deep mystery of the oneness of the Trinity. It also does not reflect the fact that Christ is also the Son of Man. All Christians, while praying to God, address Him as Father. Of course Christ is unique. But who is not unique? Socrates, Muhammad, the Buddha, you, and I are all unique. The idea behind the statement, however, is the notion that Christianity provides the only way of salvation and all other religious traditions are of no use. This attitude excludes dialogue and fosters religious intolerance and discrimination. It does not help..- Hanh. 

Absolutely Jesus Christ is unique, socrates is a dead philosopher, Muhammad is a dead false prophet, Buddha that is followed most likely did not exist, and the Jesus perceived in the academic world is a weak feeble Jesus. Jesus is the only one who ever walked out of his grave, it is not complicated Mr.Hanh. "When God speaks, He does not stutter, it is our job to understand it and to get this post-modern junk out of the way-Eric Ludy" It is not a question of "if" we will bow our knee to God, but when....... Religious intolerance and discrimination, is supported I fear that day will only happen when Christ returns. But there is still hope.

God is Other.. God is Holy

God far is wiser than the issues that press at universities, God is higher than debates against atheists. No not one leaf changes from green to brown without his command. God is known for changing lives, for creating and changing the World. He sustains it all. Truthful, no matter how great of a debater or much logic you use to defend the faith, only through the interaction of the Holy Spirit can people turn to Christ. I debate not to win souls, but to obey God and because I love people, but my love for people is like an ant when compared to God's love for people who are his. All Christians, we are to be ambassadors for Christ, and with our citizenship in heaven we will be able to stand for the Gospel at all costs. So Stand Firm in the Faith. I only have a brief moment to press forward until eternity is upon me. If I do not speak when I ought to, and do not believe my God is superior to all problems, trials in the world, then why even claim to follow Christ. No I have been saved from death, and now I live no longer for myself but it is Christ who lives in me! REF: (Galatians 2:19-21) 

(Isaiah 7:9 If you are not firm in faith, you will not be firm at all.) 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

How Revival Comes

Remember The Circle

      Through redemptive history in God's Word, many things are clear, but this fact with understanding of Revival is that Revival never happens when majority God's children are repenting from sin, and many mistakes are made by his people along the way. Another concept is that Revival always happens when Boldness arises in individuals that God rises up.

Defining Revival- A simple way to understand revival is repentance with hunger for God while leaving idols behind.

      Revival can never happen if we do not first put all other weights aside and yearn for God. Yes God can start revival with men who are not willing, just read Jonah. True revival is with the individual, there was no revival within Jonah (Jonah has a stubborn heart and no love for Nineveh). We can preach God's Good news, and yet still be lost in sin. I have traveled the path of holding on to pride, lust, a forked tongue, luke warmness, and it is not a pleasant path to travel. The fact stands that people actually do not want revival, revival it starts not with you, but with God. No one seeks God not even one - "Romans 3:10", No one can come me (Jesus), unless the Father first draws him- "John 6:44". Repeated in Scripture over and over,  God draws mankind. I need to pray that the Father draws more, for no one who is not in Christ will ever, ever seek God. John 6:63 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life. I can continue with a myriad amounts of Scripture to show that men never seek God, but it is God's mercy that revives the soul. I will not go into further detail simply because Depravity of Man / Predestination is not the purpose of my article.

If you Believe.. If I Believe

      If Christ is the treasure of all life, the pearl of great price.  If Christ is serious about heaven, hell and the lostness of humanity. Then what is the proper response? Romans 12:1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship... Present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, As Christians we should be some of the most hard working and worn people there are in the world. Blessed are the feet of those who bring the good news (Isaiah 52:7). Jesus lived a life that was purely pointed at the will of the father, with no selfish ambition. In like manner, maybe we must forego desires in life in order kill selfish ambition. I am speaking to all college students now (mainly because I am one) If you have not entered time of prayer and study of the Bible, do not just take a turn of the page and call it a night, but labor in prayer and study, Do not let rest entice you to not dwell with God. (Now I understand, I have fallen asleep or fought weariness while reading or praying) but it is better to have fought weariness than to just turn in for the night. I remember when I first became captivated by Jesus. I would read for hours and write, all I wanted was to dwell and be with Him. I remember forgoing sleep, a thought that I entertained, was that God can give me rest I need even If I do not get abundant hours of sleep. I presume to this day that this thought is true. Sacrifice your bodies.

Coming to terms

      Will we tone down from the radical nature of our faith, or will we surcome to the pressure that is closing in around the Church and each Believer. Dear Brothers and Sisters, We had spiritual relatives who were burned on a stake to light up the night sky for Nero "Caesar". This is not a religion that is played on the weekends and with facebook quotes. Dear Brothers and Sisters, we have access to God's word, great Bible teachers, Churches, Sermons from podcasts, books that are chucked full of helpful wisdom. Yet I know of places in this world where our Christ family may have only one page of scripture and they hold on to that scripture, and know it by heart. They are bolder, and more dangerous in this world than nearly all Christians in the States. Sacrifice your bodies, Do we truly want Revival? 1 Corinthians 2:9 THINGS WHICH EYE HAS NOT SEEN AND EAR HAS NOT HEARD, AND which HAVE NOT ENTERED THE HEART OF MAN, ALL THAT GOD HAS PREPARED FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM." The Holy Spirit, God is near. Through all the Old Testament the Prophets knew that one day the Holy Spirit would enter sinful man and in an instance Change the whole world just as the Resurrection for the Dead did. The Prophets of old were not able nor allowed to see the promise fulfilled on this side of the grave, We live in the age that they Hoped for.

Revival- Needs to start in our soul in order to see Revival spread across our sphere of influence- Sacrifice your Bodies. Hebrews 12:2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Selected reading- Hebrews 1&2 Philippians 3:7-21

What does a real disciple of Jesus Christ look like? He’s poor in spirit; he mourns over sin; he’s gentle; he hungers and thirsts for righteousness; he’s merciful; he’s pure in heart (in the sense he has no undivided loyalties); he is a peacemaker; and he is marked by persecution. ~Paul Washer

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Cluttered with Failure

Success covered in Blunders 

Over the course of my walk with Christ, just in the moment to moments I feel a constant wave of success and failure. That at camps, trips, church, ministry events, alone in Scripture, Mission Trips, Discipleship, ect.... I am walking in the footprints of Jesus. There are even times when I am eating up scripture and have deep lengthy time of prayer/meditation. Being a witness is as easy as breathing it just pours out, and boldness rises up. I dont even have to try and share Jesus with all my friends because even when  I meet people in public but the opportunity creates itself. I have seasons of intense fellowship with believers wiser and stronger than I. My life seems unbreakable, because I have peace in the Hope of Christ, in Christ.

But I also have seasons of life when nothing I do for Christ sparks any flames. I continue to act like I am living like a mighty warrior that has returned from battle. When I am really falling into sin, hurting others with my cynical harsh words, destroying my witness around my unsaved friends. In how I may talk about others through gossip, sarcasm that is beyond crude, and by what I laugh at that is sinful and should really break my spirit for others. I can't find clever ways to talk about Jesus, and it only comes out awkward, and my depth and quantity of intake of God's word is shallow and prayer is nonexistent.

Both of theses seasons above could last a week, month, year. Right now is different, before It fell like I was either in a summer time of Spiritual Success, or a Winter of Spiritual slumber. As of now I am in a spring or a fall I do not really know but it is cluttered with both aspects of failure and success at the same time.

Two Worlds that Collide from Time to Time

I live two lives, not that I am a two faced person, but just that I live in two different worlds that overlap from time to time. Theses two worlds are called Ministry and Walk with Christ. There is much overlap with who I am in both of theses worlds, but at times I can have an incredible breakthrough with character development in my walk with Christ, but on the flip side with ministry I could put together an event night and then not have students attend. Even the flip flop could happen, I end up flopping on the way I treated my family this could be by me being distant, from spending time or distant in sharing my life. I am out of scripture for weeks at a time causing old tendances to pop out again. Making me feel like I should be further and more mature in my Walk with Christ than I really am.  Then I go into ministry world and I am able to speak words of wisdom to a student, and also give an impacting message that in small groups students open up adding to the discussion. Sometimes I am given an assignment from a co-worker, so I accomplish the task, but then I forget to follow up on long term scheduling of events or forget to budget out a trip fully. My life smashes together and time I thought I had is simply not there period. I am learning from my blunders with small mistakes, and my big ones. Once second I have everything aligned and it looks like a work of art, but then like life something unexpected comes in like a wrench in an engine. Now the thing that seemed beautiful is in pieces.

Being Pulled in Different Directions 

It is not easy making strides of progress in one area and then degressing in another area. Not only is it not easy but to put it plainly it is not fun. I look far more to my degression than to my progress, allowing one or the other to shape my outlook in my walk with Jesus. From School starting up, Football Training, Social Life, Ministry in Eureka, My Internship with Metamora Campus Life, My Future Pursuits in Life, Church involvement "or lack of this summer", sinfulness, relationships with others, and first most learning/growing in relationship with My God, I am a man with many different objectives. Some are plainly good, common, thus is life, but some are purely overwhelming. I go like a light switch between being passionate, to apathetic about it all.

Problems Easy to Identify, Even Solve, but practicality... can seem Slightly Impossible. 

Nearly every single time, I am approached with failure from another I come off defensive, tring to either make excuses, justify my situation, or craft my failure into not a big deal. Therefore making what I have done or not done, not seem like a problem. From the list above, excuses, justification, or crafting my failure in to a small problem is in all actuality a lie. Let's call theses actions what they are, Lies.
By Lying I push responsibility away from myself, and I at the same time hold the Holy Spirit at arms length, picking and choosing what I think I need to be cleaned/healed from.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. 

Many times when I read this verse I picture a trust fall, when I do not know what is going on in life. I all I need to do is fall back and God is going to catch me right? But this illustration does not make sense, it puts the trust in the the unknown, the person falling does not know who is catching them. I want to know whom I am trusting to catch me, I imagine a little boy jumping in the the arms of the Father to catch him, that is real trust. I see confidence in the leap, in to God, not our own understanding/superstitions/ ignorance.

Dealing with Success and Failure in a serious way. 

I think of my need for forgiveness and grace, and reform. In  2Corinthians 2:1-17 (read it) I see a urge not to forgive and move on, but I see a urge to forgive, reform, and love. Look v. 5-7 Now if anyone has caused pain, he has caused it not to me, but in some measure-not to put it too severely-to all of you. For such a one, this punishment by majority is enough, so that you should rather to forgive and comfort him, or he may be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. That when people point out flaws, and mishaps this draws a response of sorrowfulness over brokenness, and as a reaction, defensive actions are taken. That is why v.8 says- So I beg you to reaffirm your love for him.  Whenever failures are pointed out reaffirm love. With principles like forgive,reform and love, it turns out great failures into success, and opportunity to grow. I am most thankful for the word but, in the Bible, it is with this interjection that some of the most redeeming aspects of scripture are shown. v 14-17 But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing, to one fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from life to life. Whos is sufficient for these things? For we are not, like so many, peddlers of God's word, but as men of sincerity as commissioned by God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ.

Let my Failures point to my lack of sufficiency to be the key for life, but also allow my moments of Success point to my sincerity as an aroma of Christ to God, that can be shown to men.  Lest I can do is jump into the arms of my Father in Heaven, who knows my best.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Let us Move Step by Step

Do heed from the warnings, do be broken, but do not stop moving and pressing forth the Gospel

Matthew 24:38 For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark.

People today are doing all theses things, and they are good things, Noah Preached and Warned People for 120 years! 120 Years that is more than one of us will live in one lifetime. yet people did not listen to Noah. No not one, think about it nobody believed that Noah was telling the truth.

Do you think that Noah got discouraged, at least once during that 120 years, but Noah Moved Step by Step. He remained Faithful.

Slow and Steady

Some when Called grow radically and have great wisdom and understanding, others grow slowly and tread the water with little gain. Sometimes the walk of Faith that Christ calls us to is 1 step back 2 steps forward. But the test of sanctification is that there is progress, there is a drive forward. But a believer should not want to be stagnant, the Believer should be uncomfortable when not moving forward.

Being comfortable being uncomfortable

I remember my youth pastor in high school telling me that there is no staying the same in your faith, that you are either increasing or decreasing. Like an escalator it is either going down or up.

Luke 14:27 Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.

The cross will be heavy, it hurts it even kills, but listen that pain that which is being killed is the flesh.

Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

I am dead, only Christ lives. Good News, the Best News even is that you die to self and gain Eternal Life With Jesus Christ. At times we will drop and fall with our cross but we do not walk alone, and God does not will us to walk alone. Numbers 11:17 And I will come down and talk with you there. And  it will take some of the Spirit that is on you and put it on them, and they shall bear the burden of the people with you, so that you may not bear it yourself alone.. We not only have others of the Faith to be with Us But God, God will finish his Work that He has started with you. 

We are all to move step by step little by little

We are to move with passion a deep violent turn of emotion      Passion 

 Lifting requires a violent explosive turn of power speed and strength, this could also be defined as Passion. In our walk and run with Jesus we will grow weary, tiresome but this inner drive from God towards God compels us to continue onward. Yet knowing that we will never be fully conformed to Christ here on earth, but I want to run toward Christ because he is my everything, at this moment you are only able to read these words because Christ is allowing your eyes to work, He is allowing you to Breathe. I want to be with Him. I may only move like a plow but yet I move step by step. 

We have eternity to enjoy all that is with Christ but we only have a moment to earn them.

It seems like just moments ago I was in high school, and all I cared about was Mt.Dew and Video Game parties, to Graduation from High school, soon enough I will be old and I do not want to be full of regret, Noah had 120 years to warn others in all retrospect I most likely have 60-70 years 

The Red part of the Rope is your life the White is eternity...........

With my Freshman year of College behind me I do even more want to preach and live out God's word in fellowship with God. I want to know my creator before I see him on that Awe inspiring day that will come soon enough. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Find Confidence In what We Believe


In the face of this ever darkening world, it is in one sense becoming harder and harder to convey the reality of what we as Followers of Christ Believe. John Piper- "In a pluralistic, multicultural, relativistic, shrinking world like ours, this will be harder and harder to believe."That is exactly what any college student will run into today, I do not care if you go to a christian school or a secular school, this idea of relativistic has been ingrained in us in some miniscule ways. We as a society have no point of reference. 

It is all about how it Feels 

Don't believe me? It even is ingrained into the weather, it is not enough to know what the temperature is, but we have to know what it feels like. (Example) The weatherman says it is 85 degrees but it feels like 75 degrees... So which is it 85, or 75? If 85 degrees feels like 75 degrees then what does it feel like when it is 75 degrees? What is the point of reference?

We only care how we feel, not what Is. 

I feel like swearing is not wrong.....
I feel unloved by God....
My feelings tell me we should get a divorce.......
I feel like abortion is ok, it just depends on the situation....
I feel like God wants me to...
I feel like God is telling me
I feel like this scripture means
I feel like....
I feel I feel I feel.....

This is what I hear every day, It is all feeling, Sure feelings exist, and are apart of everyday life, but we do not have to feed our feelings, but reaffirm feelings with the truth, with reality. Feelings are God given, emotions are a gift, but true emotions are aligned with action according to the everlasting impact and relationship with Christ. What is an example of emotion not aligned to Christ, well I am glad you asked... Ok very real and happens everyday, There is a man who is married and he works late with another woman, and overtime he develops a care for her, and then that care turned into "love but really lust" He should not pursue this emotion, but instead he should Kill it, he should remove himself and reconnect with his wife and pour his heart into Christ. Repentance. See in that moment the emotions would have been heavy and real, but very deceitful. Not a healthy emotion, but a destructive one.  

Repentance goes against all emotions that are precisely conceived and convinced of at the present time but then after Repentance emotions change the very desire that was once so real no longer is loved or chased after, Repentance is the turning point of emotion and desire.

How does Repentance link to Affirmation in the Faith?

Ok, Repentance is a tell sign that you have been changed, which should correspond and translate into affirmation.  Have Affirmation that the Grave is empty. Be Steadfast in Christ. Because If you are not then this world will seem too much to conquer and you will stumble and fall. Paul just oozes Affirmation 

1 Corinthians 2:2 For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.

Yes! This states what is clear and true that all Christians Believe. For I have decided, the decision has already been made, it is a done deal once and for all. The God of our salvation is the cause of our salvation so, therefore since you did not earn your salvation by any means whatsoever you cannot lose it, Affirmation, now Go and affirm proclaim with aspiration that You have decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him Crucified, We Believe. I Believe no matter what the school systems says, no matter what my government demands, not what my peers perceive, For Christ is Supreme over all.

Colossians 1:16-For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him. 17 He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. 18 He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything. 19 For it was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, 20 and through Him to to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven.

For Him By Him- Go Grace, Peace and Love

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Poem Edition "All original works"

The Cost of the Cross-of Christ

Being in eminence sorrow blood drips trickling around.
To think all this started in the Garden of Eden.
Now pleading for the lord to free him.
After the arrest he was brought before the Sanhedrin.
Stuck straight in face.
Only to stand in our place.
Angles stand battle ready but how can He choose. 
To stand in our shoes.
Now seeing the whips.
The ones with leather strips.
Each tears in to the skin.
Only to take on our sin.
Oozing out blood.
To bring fourth tears which resemble a flood.
Now praying on the ground.
For the second round.
The soldiers rashly ripped the robe off.
Along with the scabs.
As He walks waiting willfully for the Father.
Seeking others before Himself. 
As He lays there fighting not willing to quit.
The legionnaire pounds three nails.
Two hands and the feet just tight enough that He can’t breathe.
Imagine the blood.
Imagine the mess. 
With the nails in the smashed flesh.
The cross is raised up only for Him to rise up.
Excruciating pain in every nerve ending.
Out casted by the Father struck the heart.
Now Knobbing, throbbing the muscles give way.
The spirit is strong but the flesh is weak. 
But finding the strength to say.
“Father forgive them, they know not who they’re killing. 
Please don’t hold his charge here against them.”
Looking down at terror stricken mother listen.
“Looking up yells Father into thy hands I commit my spirit.”

Temporary Residents

This is the only hell I will know
For most here is the only heaven they will be shown
Why would I boast, no just make most
For He made the coast, stars, planets
Making all things new in due time
Foreknew all, Knows all 
Shows the full embodiment of Grace and Truth
Stand battle ready, who needs a sword, armies, when God is ever-present
Gates of hell cannot prosper
The enemy hides behind a gate, for his fate is sealed
Gates are defensive weapons, not offensive
To see death on the way, how much hate is in the heart to not say,
Climb that soapbox and speak life
Push, crawl, press onward, and endure
One day, the days will be over
It will seem like a faint dream
Fading away as a forgotten memory
But what is done for Love will last, and be remembered by Love
God is Love, what is not done for God is not in Love
Stand firm when the knees quake, the earth sakes 
The final day is ever near
Do not, do not fear, for God “Love” cast out fear
Those of us who are kingdom warriors 
Already the walls fell, For God is there, the one who was, is and is to come
War is already won.

Roll the Dice

Every moment is passing by
just left here why
filled with mixed emotions 
how to explain this void less notion
the risk of real reality is sinking in
the longevity of life is loosened everyday
yolo is only a myth yolf
you only live forever
highway to hell 
or stair way to heaven 
dont gamble that life away
realize that die can give you a chance 
follow the narrow road and die
to your self
fill the void-less notion and live with true emotion

Little Rant

Ranting On and on
Day by day
Life is wasting away
many will say 
just do it 
enjoy the moment
know He died for atonement 
not for enjoyment
He forgives, yes
many will say 
lord lord
I accepted Jesus
looking back he was not with us
follow for the sake of tomorrow 
day by day 
reap what is sown 
in the end all will be shown
peer pressure can not measure 
the extreme pleasure of 
loving one another
as sister and brother
day by day
now what will you say?

Weekend Performers 

What if Church attenders were more than pretenders?
Wearing a suit and tie while I got brethren willing to go die
Leaving service feeling just a little nervous
Enough to feel sad, but not sick to you’re stomach
So go fine dine, fill that stomach
Maybe someone will force feed you but not forcefully
Willingly, appearances is all that matters, as long as it Looks good
Is that why you go to church, to appear good
To get that fill of the weekend pill
Good for you, actor how will that factor 
When the show is over and the curtains fall
Lets get fired up, Open the Bible up


I am in a dream or am having a dream
In this dream there is a tree
Just waiting to be free, dried, wallowing, weak critical, fragile
The rain came down, not one drop of grace is refrained 
Life dwelling up the wallowing leaves blossom 
Strife like a knife, weeds proceed 
Sucking life form the veins of the tree
Returning to the old, a point of concede for the weeds to proceed 
Broken branches, rotted roots, lifeless leaves
Once again rain comes, the weeds squeeze tight with all its might 
Might this be the last night all in fright?
After mourning all night morning dawns out of the wood work
Vines sprout out unlike the weeds choke life out of the tree
Vines provided support through the hurt the weeds croaking 
Now facing death, once giver of death 
Life grants final deathblow forever more 
The rain brought a new
Rain brings forth life, allows death to creep in but rain also proves to send providing means of support in dire needs 
For even death dies
When life provides

The Beauty of the World

Looking longing lusting lying lovers
Thinking failed attempts of satisfaction will satisfy
Downward spiral, definition... Insanity
Therefore the walking wallowing world is truly insane
Who is to blame what cause when to begin
Fruit, falling into the hands into the mouths of Adam and Eve but in reality first into eve then into adam
Like Lighting falling down from heaven
Pride plummeting plotting pondering, fallen and forsaken 
Dead men acting alive killing themselves
Eyes see the beauty of the world
Eyes twist the beauty distorting an abstract world 
Is it the women for what they are wearing or lack of
15 years old masking as 21 year olds.
masking up with make up
Buying clothes at the strip mall only to strip and fall
dyeing batteries when no one is around
No women to blame adam, Just porneia pictographs, click, click
Hearts-full more like hurtful to the soul
Was the lamb a waste for your namesake 
No motive, action, or longing is new under the sun
Only over above beyond the sun can newness be found
Only in the Son is there freshness we call life
Freedom is not found, but given
No, paid for not by indulgences, 
Only blameless blood 
Hands down in the mud
Find sight by the light


Lets be Emphatical about being Radical
Every knee will Bow it is not a matter of How
When, Philosophical minds proven wrong by power that should not be crossed
The blood on the Cross that we should have Crossed
He Crossed the Cross for us
No Opinion, Our Only Option 
Follow like no tomorrow into...
Eternity, in Light there will be no Fight
We live, live as Kings 
Among the King of Kings 
Hear the rings, of people sing

Hope is Here

Look what do you see
How can this be
Fallin on my knees
I can hardly breathe
End is in sight
Inside of my heart cries out
Slowly losing sight, dying out
Fight with all your might
Day and night, a contrite soul
Broken, forsaken, stricken, forgotten
New, He makes all things new
Out of the blue
Earned Not, Explanation... unexplainable Grace
Look what do you see, the King of Kings
Fallin on my knees, for Emanuel is far greater than me
I can hardly breathe, for His Love is an overflowing raging sea
End is in sight, I will soon be with the Lord
Inside of my heart cries out, for no tears flow no more, not one.

Lamp Stand

Used to be a thievin’ heathen
Blinded to my Blindness
threw out my rear view mirror 
I ain’t never going back 
Now He is my clear view
All I can see is the blinding light that gives me true sight through and through 
In and out even when I doubt 
This ride has been hijacked full auto pilot 
hostile takeover, 
left empty handed cents and all
In one sense Ive been murdered on the other hand
Breath seems foreign
Look in wonder, Awe inspiring inspiration
Same God who spread the Red Sea, and did much more miracles than theses
Same God who spread His arms, Taking the punishment due to the accusers 
Continually staying the same
Creating but never Changing
Age to Age God is there, here, in the now
Entering into time, Wearing in the living flesh the Armor of God ;is God
Killed due to fear of rebellion
in result creating a revolution lasting 2000s now
Forever, not Forsaken 
Look at the cracks of the vase of life
The cracks allow the light to shine through
Went form Broken Useless Vase 
To Lamp of the True Light 
On The Light Do I Stand
Firm Faith Full To the Brim

Initiation Fees

In the beginning,…… God created the heavens and the earth.
Initiated time, heaven earth…all are the master piece of the Master
The stage set, the lights were on, all was set in to motion by Divine Notion
So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.
Knowing  the cost far ahead of time, before time was created Dei knew that Night would befall the creation,” 
Man, Woman our forefathers the first, were casted as the first actors to be part of the over arching story, but being small part of the story was not enough for Adam and Eve
The director specifically allowed for improv with the play expect in one area, He has scripted, a portion that He wished to be censored form the life. 
But They went ahead and did what was forbidden, forsaken, but it was all for known and for His Glory it will serve the purpose. 
As one Man and Woman bit, casting the bid that sin is worth separation and disfiguration of the likeness of God.
For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools,
Fools, foolin in fleshly fondness, becoming feeding thieving heathens. 
A single bite launched a battle that is still being fought to this very day.
But God would not take flight on this fight. He would not let the beloved slip away.
Centuries Years, flew by, each one is only a drop in the hat,
God ignited the initiation of his Glory among men,  yet people ignored Him and wallowed in common knowledge 
Some followed, in awe. but those men are Gone with the dust of the wind
Theses men exemplified the glory amongst our folly. realizing no one not one can return or match the volley, in how much Even though we are cursed we are blessed with breath that is used to curse. 
Civilization remained dope, withdrawing and trying cope. Darkness consumes the stage and all who are on it. All were left to to grope in utter despair with lame hands cuffed with chains 
Living in a dungeon for so long it became home, yet in the darkness of the mind more was wanted and expected. 
But Hope was Near 
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.He was in the beginning with God.  All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
In the End the Word End has not meaning Birth, Life, Death…is not the end but only the beginning of what is planned, We may think we are in the final act but the play has just begun 
The Show Must go on

Friday, February 21, 2014

Time for Preparation

Timing is everything

Throughout all of High School I desired to date someone, I wanted to have a girl around my arm, something (That sickens me to think I thought something not someone) to add to my status, I had the desire, the desire is boyish. To wanted something when it is not my time to want, to entertain the desire. To feed the desire, that desire is what drove me into youth group, to church, it played a part in why I did sports, I controlled me from time to time. Honestly I did not have the desire to get in a girls pants (but not saying that I could not be tempted to do so, especially in this part of the story I am not a Christ Follower), I just desired to be in a relationship. Here is some more honesty that I tried to use Christ as a way to get a girlfriend, I was not living in Christ I was not pursuing Christ, I was using Faith to pursue a woman actually not a woman a (girl) (I say girl because a woman is someone who is reflecting Christ, and I was not pursuing that) I remember a quote from The Dark Knight Joker says "I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught one. I just DO things". That right there sums up who I was, I just did things, I had no idea what a Biblical relationship looked like, what it entailed, what it would cost. Most boys (close to all) have the desire to be in a relationship, but have no idea how to, or what the purpose of a relationship is. A Biblical relationship is not, to be happy, for self affection and gratifaction I think not, not even for the sake of finding your "soul mate". Relationships are twofold, first off for Marriage, and then to become more like Christ.  If boys would pursue God the way they lust and chase after girls they would not be boys for long, but become Men.

When to ACT (1 Corinthians 16:13 Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.)

Notice the desire aspect, it is real, but just because someone has the desire does not mean they act on it, but when the desire for relationship, courtship, dating is in the heart of the individual that is when they know it is time to prepare for a relationship. 
(Song of Solomon 8:4 not to awaken love until the time is right) Just like some may have the desire to squat 500lbs...ok it may just be my desire... but that does not mean I attempt to lift 500lbs on the spot, no I have to train, train, and buffet and prepare myself, and any good lifter knows that when He attempts to squat the 500lbs he has others around him to correct his form, spot him to make sure he does not fall, and above all a lifters has water on him to keep his body hydrated along with a protein shake. The break down this parable goes like this, The Lifter is a young man who wants to pursue a relationship with a woman, and the woman is the prize the 500lbs the 500lbs is a standard it is a woman who is hard to get and is worth the preparation. The spotters are the lifters accountability brothers they keep the lifter in check, they push him, they make sure the lifter does not fall in temptations, and are around to council, now the water and protein is the lifter's constantly intake of the Word of God that fuels his life (Matthew 4:4 'MAN SHALL NOT LIVE ON BREAD ALONE, BUT ON EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDS OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD)I'm not ready for a relationship but one day I will be ready,Lord willing.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.

When I was in Haiti last summer for a mission trip, I was with one of the kids (the one in the pic)  just sitting on the beach and enjoying the water as it would rise up against us, I realized I'm not ready for a family, for a relationship. As I had a small child in my arms I came to terms with how much I need to grow to take on this challenge and to serve God. Naturally I would not stay true to this conviction, and I was in two swift dating relationships, one right after another, only proving the fact that I am not ready for this stage in life. I want to use this year as a year of equipping myself, it is a time of preparation, of concise preparation. In the aspect of preparation I am pursuing a relationship, one that does not exist yet, I am pursuing preparation so that I am able to lead a woman when the time comes, I want to be fully satisfied in Christ and be confident in that, Devotion to preparation will strengthen me and shape me into the right man, which is more important that finding the right woman because I have to be the right man in order to truly cherish the right woman. Some may respond to me and say, Taylor you can date, you should date how else will you know what you want in a woman, you need experience... That is so so Biblically wrong.
But She's Hot!.Well So is Hell Mark Driscoll 

(Proverbs 31:10 An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels.) Young men realize that just like a jewel that is considered precious and has out word beauty and shine, does not mean that it may not be the most valuable "jewel" out there. There is more in worth than shine and outward beauty, for if you are only looking at outward beauty/attraction  you will overlook the the true treasure inside a treasure chest, that it takes looking every nook and cranny  to search for a woman who is worth more than jewels. So dont just pick up every jewel out there that you see but search diligently for that one woman who is more precious than a mere stone. What are "Jewels" sensiual women sexualy putting themselves out there, a immature woman, a quarrelsome woman, a lustful woman, a drama queen. If your hands are full of other jewels you will not be able to catch her or find her the one who is worth More.Why would I waste my time with many Jewels when I'm out to find the most precious stone, I'm out to find the hidden treasure, in reality I am out to find someone who wants to be Holy... a woman who will drive me to Christ, who wants to go on this adventure of Following Christ, to the end. But first I need to make sure I'm fully equipped for this expedition. 

It takes only a moment to make memories so be careful who you make memories with- Andy Mineo.

When talking about a woman of God, that is one of the most dangerous things a man can pursue, here is why. That woman is a Daughter of God, so tread carefully to hurt one of God's daughters will not rest well on that man. And when someone is dating for experience that is one of the most boyish things I have heard of, you are basically saying to that person I want to get to know you really well, I want to be romantic with you, to get our lives involved with each other, and then one day I will break your heart. Plus most people do not even think of asking a pastor for advice to purse a woman, or even ask the father of that woman if you can pursue courtship with his daughter, even if the father is a decent man you should ask him for permission, because his daughter is his joy, his treasure. Imagine you own your own car, it is a very valuable and precious possession to you. And one day you head out to your driveway and see that your car is gone! you start pacing back and forth and a few minutes go by and a young man whips around the corner and slams on the brakes pulling in your driveway. The young man steps out of the car and says I hope you did not mind that I took your car out for a spin, I hope you did not care about the condition of your car, I may have hit another car returning it, and without the slightest blink  he throws you the keys and walks off.... That is what dating is is without the intent of marriage and without the permission of the parents. To answer the question from earlier "Taylor you can date, you should date how else will you know what you want in a woman, you need experience". Hmm easy, but often overlooked put yourself under the authority of Godly men and observe their marriage ask them questions and dig deep in the word of God take note of the numerous failures of men in the bible who were married (examples Abraham pimped out his wife not once but twice, had an affair with her, but from time to time Abraham did truly cherish Sara, David was a man after God's own heart, yet fell in to sin and committed adultery, you got Jacob who did not see the worth of his wife, Samson was a man whore, you have Gomer what not to seek but also what a great example of how when a man loves his wife it is not a response to her love for him) The Bible is full of examples of all failures and their poor discussions affected not just them but their legacy of the future generations. King David lost his son because of his adulterous marriage, Solomon was left empty after chasing after the pleasure of sensuality, Samson was left weak, blind because of the type of woman he chose. What are good examples of marriage in the Bible, would it be too obvious to just answer Jesus, look how Christ pursues His Church, look to the lengths He goes for her salvation. As a man who is preparing for a Marriage, I need to make sure I know what I am looking for so that I am not drawn to the wrong things in a person. This is why I am taking a step away from even entertaining a relationship, I would not even know where to start. Right now I am in school, leading a ministry, I have sports. I am just learning to balance all theses plates along with earnestly growing and refining myself to the likeness of Christ, to add another plate to the ones that I am already spinning would just cause me to be unbalance for a plate that I am not ready for. Because I see the value of that plate I will wait till the proper time.
(Psalm 27:14 Wait for the LORD; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the LORD.) 

Thank you for reading this and remember I am expressing thoughts that have come acrossed my mind. I am a man who needs renewal each day. May Grace and Peace be with you all your days.  Pray for me that I can prepare to be a future Husband, Father, and that I finish this time of preparation with focus on Christ and not to be distracted from this goal.
